Tony Whittaker, WDC COO, answers community concerns following the last Tamahere Community Committee meeting about some 'short comings' of the WDC. The following is an update on each of the main projects and where possible a timeline for next steps.
Update on the planned CCTV cameras for the Tamahere Village and Piazza.
"We acknowledge finding a solution for CCTV has taken longer than expected and that the intention to find a district-wide solution was not clearly communicated to TCC at an early stage. Although a specific application for Better Off Funding was made by TCC for CCTV, the Council at the time wanted to use the limited amount of Better Off Funding available to find a solution covering all communities that had applied for CCTV funding.
Obtaining release of the funds from the Department of Internal Affairs, and eEngaging with Council’s various communities on requirements and design did take time, as they weren’t as advanced as TCC was. The other key outcome Council is was attempting to deliver was a live monitored connected up network solution across the district. Upon delivery of a concept design and negotiated draft agreement with Citysafe, Council decided it wasn’t comfortable with the operating costs and on 9 October asked staff to seek options on the design of a non-live monitored solution. This is expected to be complete by the end of this year and an update will be provided to TCC early in the new year.
Council funding for the Community Committee to run the website and email service.
Following consultation with the Mayor, we will continue the $10,000 discretionary funding for this year (up from the $4,000 granted annually through the last LTP). A district wide review of discretionary funds for Community Boards is proposed to be carried out before budgets are confirmed for coming years in the 2025-34 LTP.
Naming of the Tamahere Reserve.
After the new park next to the Tamahere shops was called Tamahere Park it meant that Crawford’s Quarry, locally known as Tamahere Reserve, needed to be renamed at the same time as making an application for a change in reserve classification to properly reflect its status. In line with Council’s obligation to seek input from the local community including mana whenua, the name offered by Ngaati Hauaa was Maniapoto, in consideration of the name of a significant pa site adjacent to the reserve. Councillors Beavis and Turner are now working to arrange a meeting between Ngaati Hauaa kaumaatua and representatives of TCC as soon as possible to discuss this (A meeting is tentatively planned for the 16th December). This process has taken some time but we acknowledge the importance of getting it right and involving the right people in the decision making process.
Designation of the Piazza.
The team are exploring the potential for including a ‘pin’ on Google Maps. (subsequent to this comment the Piazza 'Pin' is now visable on Google Maps'
Consenting Requirements for Events at Tamahere Park (information from our Community Venues and Events team)
It's very rare that Council issue a formal consent for temporary events. The team note that a consent was issued for Soundsplash in Raglan but that was a 10-year consent for a major annual event. In the case of Tamahere Park, Council can provide approval through our event permit process. This is straightforward and the application process can be seen at the link here:
Council is in the process of implementing a booking system, which will further simplify this process.
We do ask that any community events held on council land go through this process, @Teresa Lange is here to help.