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Waikato Regional Council LTP Affecting Tamahere Residents-Make A Submission

Message from Noel Smith - Councillor Waikato Regional Council (edited)

I am writing to make you aware of a couple of issues in the WRC LTP that's been released for consultation with submissions received up to and including 2 May 2024. 

While the Consultation document, consisting of approximately 45 pages, there are two issues which affect Tamahere Residents:

  1. Public Transport rating within the Waikato District. Currently Waikato District pay just under One Million dollare per annum to WRC to manage the public transport within the Waikato District. The Regional Council staff have recommended to WRC Councillors that WRC should take over the rating for the provision of bus and train services in all Districts in the region including Waikato District. If either of the two options (1 & 2) is supported (except the status quo option) it will change the basis upon which rates are collected.

  2. The second rate is a change to how rural rate payers will pay for being allowed to undertake ‘permitted activities’ rather than having to seek a resource consent. Council staff have recommended that all properties over 20ha pay an increased permitted rate moving in two years to $376 from the current rate  of $75.00. Council has, on the vote of the Chair, agreed to this proposal going out to consultation.

The purpose of writing to you is to make you aware of the above proposals and request you share the attached with your colleagues and your communities. I would encourage all to get the consultation document from WRC - AVAILABLE HERE and ensure that your thoughts are captured by making a submission to the Regional Council LTP.