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September, 2023 - Councillors Report

Koroneihana Celebrations

Your local Councillors Mike Keir and Crystal Beavis were among 6,000 people who gathered at Tuurangawaewae Marae in Ngaaruawaahia on Friday 18 August for the first day of Koroneihana, the annual event to celebrate the coronation of Kiingi Tuuuheitia Pootatoau Te Wherowhero VII.

The commemoration opened with a traditional ‘kawe mate’ for Tainui hapuu to acknowledge those who have died in the past year and to place photos of them on the porch of the wharenui.

The annual four-day event also drew other iwi and visitors from all over New Zealand for sports activities, kapa haka performances, and a sharing of views.  Sunday morning was dedicated to receiving politicians and the Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, Opposition Leader Chris Luxon and senior politicians from all parties arrived for the occasion. During the celebrations, Kiingi Tuheitia took the opportunity to choose former Paati Maaori President Che Wilson to serve as the Chair of the Tekaumaarua, the King’s Advisory Council and he called for greater unity from political parties in his traditional speech wrapping up the celebrations.

New Citizens

On Thursday 17 August, the Council welcomed 60 people from 19 different countries to the District in a citizenship ceremony in the Council chambers in Ngaaruawaahia.  You may have read in the Council’s recently adopted Annual Plan that Waikato District is now home to about 89,000 people. By comparison, 10 years ago the population was about 58,500.  Positioned in the centre of the golden triangle between Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga, Waikato District continues to attract growth, and the Council’s vision is to continue to draw our growing population together into liveable, thriving and connected communities.

Regal Haulage

Congratulations to Regal Haulage which celebrated 35 years of trucking operations with a community Open Day at their Airport Rd Tamahere premises on Saturday 19 August. The company also ‘unveiled’ the 100th Volvo to join its distinctive golden fleet.

Road Safety at Puketaha School

The Council’s Road Safety Coordinator recently worked with Puketaha School to produce some new moveable roadside signs to discourage parking on yellow lines outside the school. The school says the signs have made a big difference and helped with discussions on child safety. If any other schools in the Ward would like a few of these signs, please email communications@waidc.govt.n

Illegal dumping

So far this year our Council has collected over 9 tons of illegally dumped rubbish! It includes household rubbish, furniture, car tyres and even animal carcasses dumped along our roadsides and in our creeks and drains.  It’s a cost on ratepayers as well as the environment. If you see rubbish where it shouldn’t be please report it to the Council on 0800 492 452 or on our website’s request a service page.

Recent Community meetings:

  •  Eureka Hall Committee Chair re-elected - Congratulations to Gayle Orr who was re-elected chair of the Eureka Hall Committee at the Committee’s AGM on Thursday 24 August.

  • Concept plan (which includes a playground) for Hukanui Park was presented by Council staff for discussion at a community meeting at Gordonton Hall on Thursday 24 August.

  • Bus trial routes discussed – Preferred routes for a bus trial linking Tamahere, Matangi and Tauwhare Pa to the University (from where other buses could take passengers into Hamilton city) were discussed at a community meeting at the Tamahere Community Centre on Monday 28 August.  Watch this space!

Community meetings coming up:

  • Tamahere Community Committee – Tuesday 5 September, 7.30pm at Tamahere Community Centre

  • Matangi Community Committee – Tuesday 12 September, 7pm at the Tamahere Council offices (a strategic planning session)

  • Gordonton District Committee – Thursday 14 September, 7.30pm in the Gordonton Hall.

  • Newstead Residents’ Association – Sunday 17 September, 3pm, in the Hamilton Car Club, Vaile Rd


Also coming up this month:

  • Creative Communities Fund – Applications for round two of the Creative Communities Fund close on 31 August and will be heard by the Assessment Committee on 5 October 2023.

  • Freedom Camping Bylaw - Hearings and deliberations will be held at the Council on 12-13 September.

  • Te Wiki o te Reo Maori/Maori Language Week – 11-18 September

  • 2023 Waikato Sport and Active Recreation Awards – nominations are open until Friday 29 September.  Check it out by CLICKING HERE


Contact your Tamahere-Woodlands Councillors:

Crystal Beavis, mob 0275 957 927, email

Mike Keir, mob 027 449 3012, email