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Tamahere Community

Where Your Voice
Is Heard.

Current Community Activities, Submissions & Issues

4th March TCC Meeting Minutes-Tamahere Reserve New Name Idea But Pines Pose Problem

It's been a few weeks of great progress with a number of outstanding issues your TCC has been dealing with.

Check out the minutes from the last meeting which contains a number of 'community nuggets' and a new name idea for the Tamahere Reserve on Tauwhare Rd.


Predator Free Tamahere Community Trapping Efforts Ramp Up as Ferret Sightings Rise

While possums are under control this hard working community group is facing the emergence of another pest as a result of dry weather conditions.


New CEO Craig Hobbs Engages with Tamahere Community

In a display of community spirit, Waikato District Council's newly appointed Chief Executive, Craig Hobbs, took time out to attend the Tamahere Community Committee's February meeting held at the Tamahere Community Centre.

Meet Craig Hobbs CLICK HERE

2025 Tamahere Community Update - Tamahere Reserve Latest & Agenda for 4th Feb.

The agenda for Tuesday's TCC meeting is now up for inspection along with a comprehensive report from your Chairman, Charles Fletcher about the lack of progress on 'sorting out' the status of the Tamahere Reserve - Crawfords Quarry - on Tauwhare Road.

CLICK HERE to download both the agenda and the Reserve report.

The Work of The Predator Free Tamahere Group.

Our latest tally stands at 6894 pests removed, including 1156 possums. This spring has seen an expected increase in re-invading possums, following a particularly quiet winter. The AT220 auto-traps have proven invaluable and help mitigate against the complacency of re-baiting & resetting single-kill traps.

Download their latest report below showing location of traps in the community.

Minutes For TCC Meeting, Tuesday 3rd December.

Check out the December meeting minutes and see just what ground is covered by your TCC.

Download Below

Four Days Left For Submissions WDC Speed Management Plan 2024

The WDC is planning to reduce speed limits on selected thoroughfares around the Tamahere area.

The TCC will be making a submission which can be downloaded from this page which summarises proposed changes in Tamahere North and South as well as school zones.


It takes less than 2-minutes to make your voice heard.

St. Stephen's Tamahere Invites Community to Annual Christmas Festival

Steady Growth in Patronage for Tamahere/Matangi and Tauwhare Pā Bus Services

WDC Councillors November Report

Record community feedback on Council survey

More than 800 people provided nearly 2,000 responses to the Council’s survey on its Long Term Plan for 2025-2034. The survey, which gathered feedback on services and activities from libraries to property, and from roading to waste management, closed late last month.

Download Below

Jane Manson, Lockie Verner & Ian Wallace Shine at Waikato District Mayoral Awards

In a heartwarming celebration of community spirit and dedication, Tamahere local Jane Manson, Tauwhare local Lockie Verner and Matangi resident, Ian Wallace were honoured at the Waikato District's Mayoral Community Awards, held on October 3, 2024. The event, which took place in the council chambers, was a diverse gathering of family, friends, and supporters who came to recognise the unwavering commitment of these local stalwarts.

For the full story and pictures CLICK HERE

TCC Meeting Minutes from Tuesday 1st October

The meeting is held first Tuesday of every month at the Tamahere Community Centre,  Divine Rd starting at 7.30pm. This is an opportunity for you to not only understand the workings of the TCC but also to 'chime' in with your 'two-bobs worth' if you feel the need.

Download The Minutes from the last meeting below.

Councillors Report for Sept, 2024 - Roading Cuts!

From Councillors Beavis and Keir.

Lower than expected roading subsidies from the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) for local roading projects will leave Waikato District Council tens of millions short for planned new roading projects over the next three years. So far it’s been reported that the Council will be about $35m short - and this is likely to force the Council to defer some projects until 2027-28.

Download the full report below.

Minutes for TCC Meeting Tues. 3rd September

There was one major highlight which may be of interest to you.

NZTA and HCC are planning to make major changes to  SH26 (Morrinsville Rd)/Matangi Rd/Silverdale Rd.  Robyn Denton - HCC Network & Systems Operations Manager, Transport spoke to the meeting attended my a number of interested parties.

The full text of Robyn Denton's presentation is contained within the minutes and we encourage you do acquaint your self with the details.

There is an opportunity for further public input at an HCC council meeting on Thursday 26 September, starting at 9.30am, where the public is able to have a say, prior to the Councillors’ vote.

If you would like to have a say please email: mail: amy.biggers@hcc.govt to let her know you will be attending and wish your voice to be heard.

Also, your TCC would also like to bring your attention to a phase of rate-payer consultation with the WDC known as 'Pre-Engagement Feedback'.

What would YOU like to see happening in the Tamahere Community when it comes to our sport park, public toilets, playgrounds, community hall, in fact any spaces & places in our area. 

CLICK HERE to connect with the WDC.

Tamahere ChargeNet Ev Charger Meeting Community Demands

The Tamahere Village ChargeNet EV charger, a community-led project launched six months ago, has surpassed projected usage expectations, solidifying its role as a vital community resource.


Dog registrations due 31st July and submissions for the Keeping Of Animals By-Laws.

Have your say HERE !

Tamahere-Tauwhare Bus Service Patronage Growing

The latest patronage data for the recently established Tamahere/Tauwhare bus service shows increasing usage.

CLICK HERE to view latest patronage data.

Community Asked To Keep an Eye On The New Public Toilet in Tamahere Park After Vandalism

Following the 5th March Committee meeting residents are being asked for support to report vandalism. The TCC has some initiatives to manage the issue.

The Council does not plan to provide for drying your hands or a toilet seat due to vandalism, which understandably is a real problem. The Committee suggested the following:

  • Provide signage that states what can be flushed down the toilet plus signage that provides a number to call if vandalism is occurring or has occurred (so it can be reported immediately).

  • Bring the matter to the attention of the Tamahere Community so that people are more aware.

  • Encourage the Council to speed up the CCTV project so that CCTV monitoring can assist with identifying the culprits. 

  • TCC to liaise with Hamilton East, Tamahere and Matangi Community Patrol.

    Please call 111 to report activities of vandals or vandalism and remember to grab 'happy snaps' of any perpetrators.

Tamahere CCTV Project Gets Green Light, Community Input Needed

Funds have finally been allocated to bring the Tamahere Village precinct CCTV camera project to a reality.

Final community consultation needs to happen to ensure local businesses have a say in the placement of the cameras.


Tamahere-Tauwhare Bus Trial Shows Promising Growth in First Year

See which stops are most popular and most popular times of the day for travel. CLICK HERE

The Power of Community Communication - Check this out!

The Rules For Keeping Animals on Your Property Have Changed!

Follow the links below for updated information after the WDC changes 'The Keeping of Animals' By-Laws.


WDC Responds to Tamahere Community Concerns.

Tony Whittaker, WDC COO, answers community concerns following the last Tamahere Community Committee meeting about some 'short comings' of the WDC. The following is an update on each of the main projects and where possible a timeline for next steps. 

CLICK HERE WDC's Full Response.

Dust Settles After Heated Tamahere Community Committee Meeting as WDC Called to Account

The November 5th Tamahere Community Committee meeting saw a number of questions and concerns voiced by both the Chair, Charles Fletcher and committee members.


Waikato District Council Councillor Crystal Beavis Calls for Constructive Dialogue and Clear Communication in Tamahere

In response to recent observations by Tamahere Community Committee (TCC) Chair Charles Fletcher, Waikato District Council (WDC) Councillor Crystal Beavis addresses key concerns facing the Tamahere/Woodlands ward, urging ratepayers to maintain constructive communication and understand the unique challenges the Council currently navigates.


Update on the NZTA/HCC Changes Morrinsville/Matangi/Silverdale Intersection.

The Transport Committee will be approving a preferred option for walking and biking improvements along Morrinsville Road between the Cambridge Road/Morrinsville Roundabout and Jansen Park.

You can find detail of this on pages 54-61 and Attachment 3 (pages 78-101) of the Committee agenda here: AGENDA PAGE. The two options being presented are:  

  • Option 1: Separated cycle ways with raised safety platforms on Morris Road, Berkley Ave and Mullane Street, signalised raised crossing near Cambridge Road, upgrade to the existing signalised crossing near Mullane Street with raised safety platform.  

  • Option 2: Separated cycles ways with raised safety platforms on side streets as per option 1, signalised crossing near Cambridge Road, kerb build outs (these create safer and shorter crossings for pedestrians) to the existing signalised crossing near Mullane Street.  

This follows previous Committee approvals for the design and construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Morrinsville Road, Silverdale Road and Matangi Road and surrounding pedestrian and cycling facilities. Thank you for your interest in this project.

For more information and our latest updates check out: Morrinsville Road fit for purpose upgrades | Hamilton City Council CLICK HERE

TCC Meeting Tuesday September the 3rd

Robyn Denton HCC Network & Systems Operations Manager, Transport shown left with Secretary Lyn Harris and right, TCC Chair, Charles Fletcher.

Local Events Calander

See below and send us your event details for inclusion.

Keep Informed


  • TCC Meeting Minutes Posted Monthly

  • Chairman's Announcements

  • Matters Of Critical Importance To Ratepayers

  • Councillors Monthly Reports Nov UPDATE

  • WDC Meeting Minutes

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Events Calendar

Activities and events take place almost every day within the Tamahere Community.

If you are a club or event organiser please send Event Name:Date:Time details to us for inclusion on the events calendar